All posts by admin

Recording of Dr. Anna Robbins, from our rally, May 7, 2017

You can hear most of Dr. Anna Robbins’ talk on “How to Answer Atheism” in the following ways:

To listen to it on Dropbox, click here. You should not have to sign up for a Dropbox account, so if it asks you to do so, look for a “decline” button near the bottom. You should be able to download the file to take with you, if you don’t want to listen to it online.

Or to listen to it on Google Drive, click here.

If you want to receive a CD of the recording, please email samuel.w.jess(at)…. replace (at) with @.

Spring Rally, How to Answer Atheism

Our Association Spring Rally will feature Dr. Anna Robbins, on “HOW TO ANSWER ATHEISM.” Sunday, May 7 at Milton Bapist Church. Doors open at 4:30. Pot-luck supper at 5:00. Worship at 6:00 led by “Infinitely More”. Dr. Robbins speaks from 6:30 to 7:30, followed by questions. Done by 8:00. The spring rally will not include a business meeting. See the poster here: 2017 Association Rally poster

Dr. Danny Zacharias, speaker for Oct. 1

Dr. Danny Zacharias will be our speaker at our Fall Association meeting on Oct. 1. Hear him describe his talk in this YouTube video:

Ministers of Reconciliation? Acknowledging our Past and Moving into the Future in Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation process. Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to relationships with Indigenous peoples. It begins with education and repentance, and continues by building long-lasting relationships with local indigenous communities.”

Danny Zacharias is the Associate Professor of New Testament at Acadia Divinity College, and is a faculty member of the North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies (NAIITS). He lives in Wolfville, NS, with his wife Maria, and 4 children. He grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Danny has Indigenous descent on his Mother’s side, with ties to the Peguis First Nation.


For churches having prayer vigils…

Here is a fresh list of topics for prayer.

Also, you can see the earlier post outlining what a “prayer vigil” is,

Topic’ s

Back to the basics ten commandments for our Lord and Saviour.

Government would be asking God for guidance.

Unity among CABC churches and the new staff persons who are leading us.

Pray for Churches all over the world that they would see a big increase in people coming back to praise and worship the Lord.

That the leaders of our government and schools would bring the bible back in their curriculum.

That people would love each other the way Christ wants them to.

That people would turn from their sinful ways and use media for good instead of evil.

Pray for an improved job market in Lunenburg and Queens countys, the province and the country.

Pray for economic stability around the world.

Pray for those who go into hostile territory to advance the spread of the Gospel, be it at home or abroad.

Pray for the growing of God’s Kingdom in the hearts of every man, woman and child.

Pray for doctrinal purity in the churches and tolerance of diversity.

Pray that the Church remains true to its “first love” in Jesus Christ.

Pray for God’s healing hand to be upon all those who suffer from any illness or injury.

Pray that the Holy Spirit is present in and shining through all the churches of our Association.

Pray for strength, wisdom and guidance for our pastors and church leaders.

Pray that leadership is not an option but a necessity.


Christian leaders

Pray for the responsibility and accountability of the leadership

Pray for leaders to stay away from temptation.

Pray that the leaders could handle the spiritual warfare they are up against.

Pray for the leaders visibility as they are subject to gossip and criticism.

Favor with God

Pray for leaders to walk in spirit, pleasing to the Lord.

Pray for ever increasing knowledge of God.

Pray for the leaders work to be the best.

Pray for leaders to have strength to withstand fiery test.

Pray for leaders to be sensitive to God’s voice and to have spiritual ears and hearts.

Pray for leaders to speak the word with boldness where ever they go.

Favor with Man

Pray that people would be sensitive to financial needs of spiritual leaders and support them.

Pray that God would send His ministering angels to guard the leaders.

Pray that all leaders will be in unity and attuned to the Holy Spirit for direction and that they woul support one another.

Pray for God to give the leaders a spirit of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel,strength, and obedient and reverent fear of the Lord.

Pray that the leaders will witness effectively and the boldly to the lost.

Pray that God would prepare the hearts of those with whom the leaders share the gospel.


Pure vision

Pray for God to clarify the vision for ministry in your church to the leaders.

Pray for helpers to carry out your vision.

Pray for keen discernment between God,s wisdom and human wisdom.

Pray for discernment against impure motives.

Pray for God to lead and direct the leaders paths.


Spirit Soul and body

Pray for divine health; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Pray for the effects of tiredness and discouragement to be loosed from the leaders minds.

Pray for the fruit of the spiritually

Pray for total submission to the Lord in every aspect of life.

Pray for the spirit of unity, humility, and cooperation.

Pray for leaders to pursue righteousness, faith,love, and peace.

Pray for leaders to feed daily on the Word of God and maintain a faithful

prayer life.


Warfare and protection

Pray that God would send angels to guard our leaders, their family’s and property.

Pray that the angels would go before them and do battle in their behalf.

Pray that God foils all traps and attacks of the enemy.

Pray against all occult activity.



Pray the lord would cause all leaders to abound in prosperity; body, soul and Spirit.

Thank God for providing all needs; personal,family and ministry.

Pray for all leaders to be wise stewards of time.

Pray that all leaders would make their relationship with God top priority.



Pray for unity and understanding among all family members.

Pray for no resentment when sacrifice is required.

Pray for God to meet emotional needs.

Pray that leaders would spend quality time with their family both leisure and spiritual.

Pray for the family to discern each others needs. (emotional,physical ,material and spiritual).

Pray for them to overcome pressures and stress

Free to be Me

Free to be Me!                     

With Rev. Joanna Doak

Saturday, March 14th, 2015 from 1- 4pm

All Girls ages 8-15 are invited to attend a girl’s workshop with their mothers at the Liverpool United Baptist Church

At the corner of Main and Summer Streets.

There will be fun facials, fantastic and creative snacks and a variety of other entertaining                               activities that girls will love to do.

Girls if your Mom is unable to attend please bring another adult lady that you would like to share  this afternoon of fun with.

Still have no one to attend with you, come anyway there will be some ladies from the church who would be happy to share the afternoon enjoying the activities that Joanna has planned for you.

Please call 902 354 2572 
to register so that we can have an idea of how many to plan for, Thank you.

What is a Prayer Vigil? Interview with Doug Oickle from Chester United Baptist Church

How did the prayer vigils at Chester Baptist Church start?

I had heard of prayer vigils before, and I decided, oh, it must be six years ago now, that we’d have one just before Remembrance Day in the fall. And from there it expanded to Easter. So we’ve been continuing on with that since then. We’ve always had good turnout. Last year our Prayer Vigil was full.

What it is: It’s always good to have prayer before the Lord. If anything, that’s the most important thing besides reading the word, that we can do. And to have a 24-hour prayer vigil, we think that the more people talk to God on the different subjects the more he listens to us. It’s like corporate prayer. I think it’s important, and I think that by doing this you bring more people into intimate relationship with the Lord. And that was my main focus: get people praying to the Lord so they can get closer to him.

So how do you set a Prayer Vigil up? It sounds like you don’t have everyone in the same place at the same time.

No. The last few one’s that we’ve done, we’ve said, “You don’t even have to come to the church to pray. You can pray at home. So long as you fulfill your commitment for that timeslot. And we have like a calendar posted in the church, with the dates and the time slots. You set it up whatever way you want: you can have it by the half-hour or by the hour. So each person would take that time slot. We’ve had people take two half-hour slots, so they could pray for an hour. So the last time we did it we made it hour-long time slots.

So the commitment is to pray deliberately for that hour?


Do you have any meeting to give people instruction?

Yes and no. I discuss it with our deacons, then I get the go-ahead to do it. I usually have one person in our deacons who does up a schedule. Once the schedule is done and on the bulletin in the church, and each person who wants to pray puts their name in.

Do you have to twist people’s arms at all?

Sometimes. If I see that the schedule isn’t getting filled and it’s only like 3 days away,  I’ll start calling people, because sometimes people forget. They usually say yes.

So you don’t get everyone together at any point?

No. We don’t bring everyone together to discuss what we’re going to pray. We have a certain list of things to pray for, and each church can be different of course in what they pray for.

And it usually works out, and people enjoy it.

 Do you have any particular stories of what people have experienced in these times of prayer?

I’ve had people tell me that they enjoyed it, and they experienced something different in their lives because of it. I think that’s the way it should be. If you’re praying to the Lord and you’ve met with him, He’ll guide you.

Have you had anyone share with you that they’ve had a really hard time getting through that hour?

Not as yet, from what my feedback is: an hour isn’t enough. There’s lots to pray for and they only get halfway through it. An hour goes very quickly when you’re praying for certain things.

 So do you get the same people doing it every year?

Usually about the same people, maybe a couple more every year. It depends on where they are and what they’re doing. We’re not losing people.

Where did they learn to pray, do you think?

To be honest, a lot of them are in Bible studies and a lot of them are true Christians and have been for years, so they don’t have a problem praying. I think if more people were in Bible study, and if they’re committed to pray in Bible study, they don’t have a problem praying in a vigil. A lot of people will tell me even in Bible study that they like praying alone, they don’t like praying out loud. Well in a prayer vigil you’re praying alone. And God hears you because he hears anybody.

Have you heard of many other churches taking this on?

No, I haven’t, and that’s a problem with me. That’s why I introduced it to the Association, because the more churches we have praying, the better off we are. There was a sign up in the church in Moncton that said something like, “No prayer, no church; much prayer, more church.” I think that’s right on the money. I think the more people that pray for our church and that pray for the Lord’s message, the better off we’re going to be.

You said you got this idea because you heard of this being done somewhere else. Can you name any other places in particular that are doing these vigils?

Not in particular. I think it was one of our ideas as a Bible study group to do this the way we’re doing this. And I think it’s going well, and we’ll keep doing this for the next while. And if I can get the commitment from the churches, then I can take it to Convention through the President and he can continue on with it and go to other church, which would be an awesome thing.